Blepharitis is an eye condition characterized by an inflammation of the eyelids which causes redness, itching and irritation. The common eye condition is caused by either a skin disorder or a bacterial infection or a build up of tiny mites in the glands of the eyelids.
Blepharitis is generally not contagious and can affect patients of any age. While it can be very uncomfortable, it usually does not pose any danger to your vision.
Fortunately, these are very effective treatments to give you long term relief.
Types of Blepharitis
1. Anterior blepharitis occurs on the front of your eyelids in the area where the eyelashes attach to the lid.
This form is less common and is usually caused by a bacterial infection or seborrheic dermatitis, which is a skin disorder (dandruff) that causes flaking and itching of the skin on the scalp and eyebrows. While it is more rare, allergies or mites on the eyelashes can also lead to this condition.
2. Posterior blepharitis occurs on the inner eyelid that is closer to the actual eyeball.
This more common form is often caused by rosacea, dandruff or meibomian gland problems which affect the production of oil in your eyelids.
This can also be caused by tiny mites – known as Demodex – which can build up in the glands of the eyelids.
Symptoms of Blepharitis
Blepharitis can vary greatly in severity and cause a variety of symptoms which include:
- Red, swollen eyelids
- Itching
- Burning or gritty sensation
- Excessive tearing
- Dry eyes
- Crusting on eyelids
Can I leave Blepharitis Untreated?
If left untreated, symptoms can become more severe such as:
- Blurred vision
- Infections and styes
- Loss of eyelashes or crooked eyelashes
- Eye inflammation or erosion, particularly the cornea
- Irregular eyelid margin
Treatment for Blepharitis
Treatment for blepharitis depends on the cause of the condition but a very important aspect is keeping the eyelids clean.
XDemvy is a new eye drop, which can be effective for a mite build up (Demodex) in the eyelid’s glands.
Warm compresses are usually recommended to soak the lids and loosen any crust to be washed away. It is recommended to use a gentle cleaner (baby soap or an over the counter lid-cleansing agent) to clean the area.
For bacterial infections, antibiotic drops or ointments may be prescribed, and in serious cases steroidal treatment (usually drops) may be used.
Tips for Home-Care
Blepharitis is typically a recurring condition so here are some tips for dealing with flare-ups:
- Use an anti-dandruff shampoo when washing your hair
- Massage the eyelids to release the oil from the meibomian glands
- Use artificial tears to moisten eyes when they feel dry
- Consider breaking from use of contact lenses during the time of the flare-up and or switching to daily disposable lenses.
The most important way to increase your comfort with blepharitis is by keeping good eyelid hygiene. Speak to your doctor about products that he or she recommends.