Below are the major studies (COOKI, REIM, LORIC, CRAYON, SMART, MCOS, CRIMP and ROMIO) that address myopic progression and orthokeratology.
These studies and abstracts can be found on the following two websites.
Jeffrey J. Walline, Marjorie J. Rah, Lisa A. Jones. (2004). Optom Vis Sci. 2004 Jun;81(6):407-13
COOKI (2004). comment: Twenty nine 8-11 year old children were enrolled in the study to wear over-night orthokeratology lenses. Twenty four completed the study over 6 months with good vision and no serious problems. Of the 5 that did not complete the study, only one dropped due to dissatisfaction with the process.
REIM (2003). Contact Lens Spectrum, Issue: March 2003
Tom Reim OD,FOAA and colleagues first reported the potential of myopia management in 2003 with a retrospective study that reported that corneal reshaping experienced about a 60% reduction in myopic progression.
LORIC (2005). The Longitudinal Orthokeratology Research in Children (LORIC) study was conducted in Asia, and found a much slower rate of myopia and axial elongation(47%) among young progressive myopes who underwent corneal reshaping compared to those who wore eyeglasses.
SMART in progress. Both the LORIC and CRAYON studies were small in scale involving fewer then forty patients. The Stabilization of Myopia by Accelerated Reshaping Technique (SMART) study, a large scale (300 patients), five year longitudinal, multicenter evaluation of the effectiveness of corneal reshaping for young progressive myopes is now underway. First year results are encouraging (Eiden et al, 2009).
CRIMP(2010) . Corneal Reshaping Inhibits Myopia Progression(CRIMP) is a ten year retrospective study out of Australia that demonstrated control of myopia progression over a ten year time frame. Fully 70% of all participants in the corneal reshaping control group did not progress in degree of myopia over the period studied.
MCOS in progress.” The Myopia Management with Orthokeratology contact lenses in Spain (MCOS) Study, in which continued documentation of safety outcomes for corneal reshaping in a pediatric population was evident by no changes in best-corrected visual acuity or significant adverse health effects from ortho-k wear” (Gregory,2010).